back to the basics

5 things i learned to get through any stage of life

back to the basics

yes, i’ve only been alive for a short amount of time but this is what i’ve learned so far, enjoy.

1. don’t take anything too seriously- if the universe wants it to happen it will. putting 90% effort towards the things you want and allowing 10% to be in fates hands.

2. adapt to circumstances, make the most with what you DO have- don’t focus too much on what you don’t have. focus on what you do have. gratitude is the highest form of frequency. the universe will match this energy giving you more things to be grateful for.

3. keep a beginner’s mindset- in the beginners mind there are many possibilities but in the experts there are few. this youthful mindset is crucial and will keep your lust for life. never lose this naivety.

4. stop comparing to others- take inspiration from others achievements and lives, but don’t compare yourself others. keeping your head down and focusing on yourself will get you a lot further.

5. filter out extra noise- be careful with whose advice you implement.  discerning whose in a position or living a way of life that you’d like to see yourself in. for example, if someone is giving you cleaning but they’re a hoarder you probably should take it with a grain of salt.

*i am not claiming they can’t provide valuable information, but if they’re not implementing it to their lives, then it should be a bit of a red flag.

anyhow, i suggest you also take this advice with a grain of salt as well. im only 18 i’ve got a lott more to learn <3

-xoxo, pharyn