masculine vs. feminine energy

masculine vs. feminine energy is a two-part series. part 2 will be more focused on masculine energy.

masculine vs. feminine energy

today, i'm drawn to focus on yin & yang of the self. this topic holds profound part of my identity. the journey to perfect this balance has been ongoing, yet it's only now that i feel i have a deeper understanding...

throughout my teenage years, i've always felt i leaned more masculine, and that's how i thought others perceived me. i was always the friend that others would look to for protection & safety. i noticed a certain reserved behavior from boys, leading me to think i might be intimidating or too masculine. i've always had a desire to be more girly, but i didn't know how to execute my desire.

in my opinion, i believed being feminine meant being high maintenance. recognizing this, i understood that if that were the case, i lacked the resources to be high maintenance.

but i had it all wrong.

i was taking the message of being more feminine too literally; i was too focused on the physical and material aspects of what i thought was being feminine. after beating myself up about how i couldn't keep up with consistently having my nails, hair, eyebrows, etc. done, i soon came to the understanding that femininity encompasses a broader range of qualities, including emotional, social, & personal attributes. it's not just about appearance but also about embracing certain characteristics and values often associated with femininity.

so here's 3 simple things that i did...

  1. i started to sit back more ( i allowed things to come to me rather than chasing).
  2. i moved w/ intention but at a slower pace ( includes speaking and walking).
  3. rolled my shoulders back & BREATHED

these 3 things fall under the same category of flow.

by being intentional in your actions yet moving with effortless flexibility, you can shift not only your physical demeanor but also the energy around you. as soon as i did this, i noticed i didn't jumpscare people as much with my dense energy.

though i'm constantly slipping back into old patterns of imbalance, i'm now aware of the 3 simple steps to restore balance. while i'm still refining my masculine and feminine energies, i feel i've taken a big step toward understanding both better.

this is part 1 of a 2 part series i feel i can't combine everything into one without it being overwhelming. part 2 will be more focused on masculine energy.

thanks for stopping by, talk to you soon!

-xoxo, pharyn <3